Happy (Belated) Australia Day!

This past Wednesday was Australia Day and I went into downtown Perth to check out the “Skyworks.” Basically lots of stuff blowing up all around you– from pontoons on the river to the tops of 4 different skyscrapers. The vibe of the day very much felt like America’s Fourth of July to me — Middle […]
20 Hours in Singapore

Unfortunately, while I was out in Laverton last week, I got the very bad news that my grandfather (PaJack as we called him) passed away back in the States. I always knew I was far from home, but nothing solidifies that idea more than receiving a phone call like that. Luckily I was flying home […]
Another Pool Shot

But a different kind of pool this time. This shot is from the “Healing Pools” near Mt. Margaret, Western Australia. These pools of water are HIGHLY concentrated with salt. In fact, there is so much salt in these pools that you get hardened salt crystals on the bottom. When I got out of the pool […]
Summer is Coming…Cue the Pool Photos

Well, I guess it is not coming if you are stuck in the Northern Hemisphere… But things are starting to heat up in Laverton. Tomorrow, it is supposed to reach 41ºC (105.8ºF) in Laverton… That is damn hot. I really need to get this project done before it starts to hit 50ºC (122ºF)… And yes, […]
Astronomy Night

This weekend, volunteers from Curtin University in Perth are in town. Among the volunteers, two of them are astrophysicists and they happened to bring a big ass telescope up with them for Astronomy Night. It was nice to look at the night sky and actually know what I was looking at for once. I probably […]
Day Off on Rottnest Island

I swear I actually do work down here… I swear… Chelsea and I headed over to Rottnest Island which is just off the coast of Perth and only a 25 minute ferry ride away. We look at Rottnest island every single day, but have yet to visit it. It is amazing how different it is […]
First Communion

I was walking around town Saturday evening looking for some photos in the sunset light and I happened to walk past the Catholic Church (the one and only church in Laverton). As I walked by, I saw that a couple of the kids were walking in with white dresses. So, I asked if it was […]
Tina and Mike’s Wedding

This past weekend, we went to a friend’s wedding which was held at Point Peron Beach south of Perth near a town called Rockingham. Although the weather was rainy for most of the day, it luckily stopped for the ceremony. Bad weather or good weather, it was a beautiful place for a wedding. I tried […]
A Day at the Laverton Races

On Sunday, Laverton held one of its bigger events of the year– Laverton Race Day. Even though it is a town with a little over 300 people, Laverton actually has a horse racing track. Complete with fancy hats and fancy dress, Laverton Race Day brings out the entire town.
Kangaroo Hunting… Now in Technicolor!

So it seems like the vast majority of you want to see the previous post’s pictures in color…. or should I say COLOUR now that I am in Australia? I like both versions but the end product of this project will probably be in color colour. So, to see the difference, I have re-posted the […]
Hunting Kangaroo (and other creatures)

Yesterday, I got to go out kangaroo hunting with some locals out in Mt. Margaret (about 35 km or so west of Laverton). For my photo essay on Aboriginal diabetes, I want to show the traditional (and healthier) food sources. Winston, Bradley, and Shane Stokes were my generous hosts and I am very thankful they […]
30-Day Project | Days 27 & 28

Day 28 | No Humbugging From the Desert Inn, the local pub here in Laverton. I haven’t broken any of the rules… yet…. I do plan on humbugging at some point though… Day 27 | 8th Largest Desert??? Well, for the Day 27 posting, I was hoping to show you some pictures from a kangaroo […]
30-Day Project | Day 25 | Bush Fire!

Spot News in Laverton? Woo hoo! Well, kind of… I was just taking a drive around town when I saw a bunch of smoke coming out of the bushes. Being the lazy Sunday that it was, I stopped and found it was a bush fire. I was going to call somebody but just as I […]
30-Day Project | Day 24 | Mt. Margaret

Today, I drove to the community of Mt. Margaret, about 35km outside of Laverton. Mt. Margaret was set up as a Christan mission for Aboriginal people back in the 1920’s. I met a lot of great people while I was there and a couple of them are letting me take pictures while they hunt for […]
30-Day Project | Day 23 | Biking Accident?

Sorry I keep taking pictures of abandoned junk. Sometimes I just have to stop and take a pictures of the things I see along the roads. Because my last two posts were of objects that were not meant to be in their current positions, lets play a game. It is called: “How the Hell Did […]
30-Day Project | Days 21 & 22

Day 22 | Outback Junk For some reason, I have always liked photographing old junk. When I was shooting black and white film for my photography classes in college, I was always attracted to old junk yards, abandoned cars, etc, etc. While I was driving around the Laverton area, I cam across one of the […]
30-Day Project | Day 20 | Extinction

Kind of random… But then again, Australia is kind of a random place…
30-Day Project | Day 19 | Jason Eats Wave

Today, I experimented with photographing in the water. I don’t exactly have the proper setup for water photography but I improvised. I took my old point and shoot camera, put it in a clear waterproof bag and went for it. The pictures didn’t turn out spectacular mainly because the clear vinyl of the bag made […]
30-Day Project | Days 17 & 18

Day 18 | Footy! We went to the West Coast Eagles vs. North Melbourne Kangaroos Australian Rules Football Game (footy) yesterday. I don’t really know how to describe Aussie Rules Football besides comparing it to a combination of Soccer, Football, and Rugby (oh, and some of the fights from Ice Hockey). Unfortunately, the stadium didn’t […]
30-Day Project | Days 15 & 16

Day 16 | Fremantle Port I was waiting for some friends to arrive on a Ferry into Fremantle– one of the major ports near Perth and took this quick shot. Day 15 | Cottesloe Beach I was kind of lazy today with my picture taking. So, this is mainly a picture to make you a […]
30-Day Project | Day 14 | Cute Overload

Ok, I did it… I took pictures of Kangaroos and Koalas… It is what everyone is expecting to see at some point, so I will just get it out of the way now. Soak in all the cuteness, eat it up…
30-Day Project | Days 12 & 13

Day 13 | A Visit to London? One of the more interesting shopping arcades in downtown Perth is the London Courtyard. You walk off a city street onto a London Street. But, the Australians wouldn’t want it to look too authentically British… They made sure to put the Australian flag above every shop. Still, a […]
30-Day Project | Day 11 | We Climbed Some Stuff

After spending the night in Albany, Australia last night, we spent our Sunday driving along the southern coast of Western Australia. To sum up the day: We climbed a few things of various heights. So, for my 30-day project posting, I will just show you the various things we ended up climbing. We started out […]