Just Keep Writing… Just Keep Writing… Just Keep Writing…

Yes, the blog has been a bit quiet in recent weeks. Many apologies to the millions of people who visit this blog each day. But, I have been busy working on the written portion of my master’s project which, needless to say, is much less fun than working on the photographic portion of the project. […]
Laverton Flooding

As I have said before, wherever I travel, I usually see the worst weather that particular area has had in years. Everywhere I go, I am used to hearing locals say, “Yep, this is the worst _____ (Fill in bad weather here) we have had in over _____ years!” In today’s case, Laverton had its […]
Laverton Lightning

I love shooting lightning. I love thunderstorms. In fact, there has been quite a lack of thunderstorms in Australia since I have been here and I have started to miss them. So, when I looked out my window this evening and saw the crazy light show going on outside, I ran up to the top […]
Summer is Coming…Cue the Pool Photos

Well, I guess it is not coming if you are stuck in the Northern Hemisphere… But things are starting to heat up in Laverton. Tomorrow, it is supposed to reach 41ºC (105.8ºF) in Laverton… That is damn hot. I really need to get this project done before it starts to hit 50ºC (122ºF)… And yes, […]
Astronomy Night

This weekend, volunteers from Curtin University in Perth are in town. Among the volunteers, two of them are astrophysicists and they happened to bring a big ass telescope up with them for Astronomy Night. It was nice to look at the night sky and actually know what I was looking at for once. I probably […]
First Communion

I was walking around town Saturday evening looking for some photos in the sunset light and I happened to walk past the Catholic Church (the one and only church in Laverton). As I walked by, I saw that a couple of the kids were walking in with white dresses. So, I asked if it was […]
A Day at the Laverton Races

On Sunday, Laverton held one of its bigger events of the year– Laverton Race Day. Even though it is a town with a little over 300 people, Laverton actually has a horse racing track. Complete with fancy hats and fancy dress, Laverton Race Day brings out the entire town.
Kangaroo Hunting… Now in Technicolor!

So it seems like the vast majority of you want to see the previous post’s pictures in color…. or should I say COLOUR now that I am in Australia? I like both versions but the end product of this project will probably be in color colour. So, to see the difference, I have re-posted the […]
30-Day Project | Days 27 & 28

Day 28 | No Humbugging From the Desert Inn, the local pub here in Laverton. I haven’t broken any of the rules… yet…. I do plan on humbugging at some point though… Day 27 | 8th Largest Desert??? Well, for the Day 27 posting, I was hoping to show you some pictures from a kangaroo […]
30-Day Project | Day 25 | Bush Fire!

Spot News in Laverton? Woo hoo! Well, kind of… I was just taking a drive around town when I saw a bunch of smoke coming out of the bushes. Being the lazy Sunday that it was, I stopped and found it was a bush fire. I was going to call somebody but just as I […]
30-Day Project | Day 23 | Biking Accident?

Sorry I keep taking pictures of abandoned junk. Sometimes I just have to stop and take a pictures of the things I see along the roads. Because my last two posts were of objects that were not meant to be in their current positions, lets play a game. It is called: “How the Hell Did […]
30-Day Project | Days 21 & 22

Day 22 | Outback Junk For some reason, I have always liked photographing old junk. When I was shooting black and white film for my photography classes in college, I was always attracted to old junk yards, abandoned cars, etc, etc. While I was driving around the Laverton area, I cam across one of the […]
30-Day Project | Day 6 | Flying Away

Today was my last day in Laverton for the week… flying back to Perth tomorrow for a bit. It has been a good week, I met lots of people, and I am looking forward to returning here in a week and a half to continue my project (and hopefully actually getting a start on the […]
30-Day Project | Day 5 | Gateway to Alice Springs

Although I met with a lot of people today, I didn’t take a lot of photos. As I was walking around town this evening, I passed by this old building around sunset. It advertises Laverton as the “Gateway to Alice Springs.”
30-Day Project | Days 3 & 4 | Outback Golf & Sunrises

Since my goal in Laverton this week is to meet as many people as possible and get to know the town and its surroundings, I just had to wander over to the Laverton Golf Course when I saw it on Google Maps the other day.
30-Day Project | Day 2 | Milky Way Over Laverton

One of the great things about being in the Australian Outback is the view of the night sky. There are very few places I have been in the world where I was able to see the full Milky Way from horizon to horizon. With so little light pollution, the views of the stars are uninterrupted.
30 Day Project | Day 1 | Outback

I have decided that I haven’t been taking enough pictures since I arrived in Australia. Maybe I can blame it on the stress of finding an apartment, perhaps blame it on the fact that there were too many errands to run. But really, there isn’t an excuse for it. So, I am going to start a 30-day project in which I set out to make at least one picture a day for the next 30 days