2014 Porsche World Roadshow – For Porsche

A few months ago, I was hired by Porsche to shoot their traveling experiential marketing tour known as the Porsche World Roadshow. Participants in this event get to take some of Porsche’s best vehicles out on a professional track at speeds you would normally never be able to hit on normal roads (at least legally). […]
2013 Long Beach Grand Prix

Last Sunday was the first time I have ever shot any sort of serious motorsport race and I quickly realized that motorsports photography is a whole different beast. I spent the day shooting the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach, which is one of the stops on the IndyCar circuit. It takes place on a […]
2011 Catalina Classic Paddleboard Race

I spent last weekend on Catalina Island photographing the Catalina Classic Paddleboard Race. The 32-mile, open ocean race goes from Isthmus Harbor on Catalina Island to the Manhattan Beach Pier on the mainland. It is one of longest, and definitely one of the most challenging paddleboard races in the country (if not the world). It […]