Happy (Belated) Australia Day!

This past Wednesday was Australia Day and I went into downtown Perth to check out the “Skyworks.” Basically lots of stuff blowing up all around you– from pontoons on the river to the tops of 4 different skyscrapers. The vibe of the day very much felt like America’s Fourth of July to me — Middle […]
30-Day Project | Day 20 | Extinction

Kind of random… But then again, Australia is kind of a random place…
30-Day Project | Day 19 | Jason Eats Wave

Today, I experimented with photographing in the water. I don’t exactly have the proper setup for water photography but I improvised. I took my old point and shoot camera, put it in a clear waterproof bag and went for it. The pictures didn’t turn out spectacular mainly because the clear vinyl of the bag made […]
30-Day Project | Days 15 & 16

Day 16 | Fremantle Port I was waiting for some friends to arrive on a Ferry into Fremantle– one of the major ports near Perth and took this quick shot. Day 15 | Cottesloe Beach I was kind of lazy today with my picture taking. So, this is mainly a picture to make you a […]
30-Day Project | Day 14 | Cute Overload

Ok, I did it… I took pictures of Kangaroos and Koalas… It is what everyone is expecting to see at some point, so I will just get it out of the way now. Soak in all the cuteness, eat it up…
30-Day Project | Day 9 | Bored on the Bus

I had a 30-minute bus ride and was a little bored. I tried to see what I could capture through the front bus window shooting from the hip. This was the best one I got.
30-Day Project | Day 8 | Legs

I was bored while Chelsea was shopping, so I found it a good time to try and make a picture for today’s 30-Day Project posting…
30-Day Project | Day 7 | Layers of Stares

Sometimes it is just impossible to be inconspicuous… Like when you are on a train full of bored people…